Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer Episodes (or, Surviving The Haituses)

First let me just say "haituses" is a strange word to type, let alone look at.

So far on the list of new shows to keep an eye on:

The Last Ship - I have not seen the 2nd episode, but the pilot looks quite interesting. Global pandemics, bioweapons, Adam Baldwin, what could possibly be bad about any of that? And did I mention ADAM FREAKING BALDWIN? Sure, you can go back and watch episodes of Firefly and Chuck and take care of that particular craving quite well, but it's great to see him back on television.

Crossbones - This one is well past the pilot episode, and who doesn't like a good pirate yarn? This one boasts John Malkovich as the daring Commodore Edward Teach, aka Blackbeard (though don't call him that, he doesn't like that). The storyline thus far is intriguing, for the history buff, the pirate afficionado, and the uneducated alike. You don't have to know the stories of Edward Teach in order to enjoy the show, and John Malkovich makes it ever so much more enjoyable.

The Leftovers - I sat here last night and watched this one. I somehow missed the little bit in the previews leading up to it saying it came from one of the creators of "Lost". Remember that one? How everything started out mysterious and vague, and then they led everyone on for six seasons, only to reveal in the finale (SPOILER ALERT... seriously is that even necessary) that everyone had died in the initial plane crash that started the whole mess? Excuse me if I'm a little leery of this show, expecting the proverbial rug to get pulled out from under me. The cast is a hodge podge of never-heard-of-them-before's and some well known actors/actresses, including Miss Jennifer Aniston's main squeeze (for now) Justin Theroux, Liv Tyler (who honestly doesn't quite look like herself, not sure what that's about), Christopher Eccleston (*fangirly squeeees*), Scott Glenn, Remy Auberjonois (yes yes, Odo's son, you trekkie!), and Chris Zylka (you probably know him as Flash Thompson, from The Amazing Spider Man). They reveal just enough of the storyline to hook you in and leave you scratching your head by the end of the pilot episode. I definitely will keep watching at least for a few more episodes before I make an official decision whether or not to keep watching. I don't need every episode to be a mindfuck, if I wanted mindfucks, I'd just go watch another M. Night movie and call it a day.

Returning shows.... Falling Skies is another mindfucker.. maybe to someone who's seen it all from the very beginning it may all make sense, but to me, where I missed most of season 3, it's rather confusing, but looks like they've got a good basis for the coming season. True Blood... ehh... I really just wasn't that impressed with the season opener, I'll be catching the 2nd episode later today, but seriously not holding my breath. At this point the only reason I'm bothering with it is it's an excuse to gawk at Alexander Skarsgard. I have no shame or regret!

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