
About me: I spend more time than a person really should spend watching tv and movies. But I can't help myself. I get entirely too involved in characters, invested in what happens to them, and ultimately have my heart ripped straight out of my chest and held beating before me while the writers laugh all the way to the bank.

About this blog: I'd say 99.9% of what I post on here is going to be about tv shows or movies, but it may involve other things from time to time, depending on the subject matter. Everything else I might want to ramble on about can be found somewhere on the links below.

My personal website
     I pretty much started this just to have somewhere to keep everything together that I want to talk about,     whether it's personal things, spiritually-related things, food recipes. It's in it's baby stages right now.

Tumblr: http://thaliatheseer.tumblr.com/
     Expect MUCH fangirling. I don't much care that I'm probably too "old" to be doing such things. Life's too short to be serious all the time.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThaliaTheSeer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThaliaTheSeer  Not much to see here, I pretty much just use it to post updates from tumblr and such.. Don't even have a picture or cover photo
                 https://www.facebook.com/thaliascornerofgallifrey  The group I have on facebook, again, not much to see yet

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