Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Rebuttal: 9 People Who Should Have Died This Season on Game of Thrones

I happened across THIS article a short bit ago and it got me to thinking... do these people really deserve to die? Who deserves it more? Lets have a gander. **WARNING SPOILERS DO NOT READ FURTHER IF YOU ARE NOT CAUGHT UP!**

Their list: (No explanations, you can read that at the link above)

  1. Bronn
  2. Melisandre
  3. Ramsay Bolton
  4. Reek aka Theon Greyjoy
  5. Rickon Stark
  6. Jorah Mormont
  7. Robin Arryn (which they misspelled as Aryyn)
  8. Sansa Stark
  9. Joffrey Baratheon
MY list - with explanations as to why.

  1. Bronn - I will agree with simply because no one, especially Tyrion Lannister, needs disloyal people around him. Really could it have ended any other way? Bronn told Tyrion when Tyrion hired him, he was only in it for the money. Tyrion really should consider surrounding himself with those who cannot be bought. 
  2.  Ramsay Bolton - Again, I must agree here, if for no other reason than the fact that he RUINED Theon Greyjoy for no other purpose than the love of his father, or more accurately, to be claimed by his father since his father had no other heirs.
  3. Robin Arryn - I will agree with simply because anyone that age still suckin on their mama's teet is going to have some severe mental issues. He's accustomed to getting what he wants, and isn't going to care how he gets it. I rather hope to see the White Walkers take that little annoying twat out next season. 
  4. The Mountain - Sorry, but he hurt the Hound as a child, and he killed Oberyn. In a very very grotesque manner. So far it appears the Mountain may have survived, albeit in a "not quite dead yet" sort of way.
  5. Roose Bolton - I want to see this guy flayed and roasted simply for the sheer fun of it. For the role he played in the Red Wedding especially, but I have no qualms about saying I would just greatly enjoy his death scene.
  6. Stannis Baratheon - I really just have no use for this weak pathetic example of a man. The last Baratheon worth sucking air died when Robert did. Even if he was a drunken womanizer.
  7. Daario Naharis - So it wasn't bad enough that we had to suffer through whatever that was that they had him cast as the first go-round, but then they recast him (which wasn't a bad casting job honestly), and then we're forced to endure the nonsense of him posturing around Jorah. BLEH BAH PHOOEY on that.
  8. Gillie - I really and truly DESPISE her. Seriously, she serves no real purpose other than to distract Sam from Jon's hair, and apparently, Sam's fascination with women's feet. Not entirely sure what that's about.
  9. Walder Frey - Last but not least, quite possibly one of the most despicable bastards this side of the Wall, Walder Frey SO very much has it coming. The North remembers. 
So that's my list. I left out Melisandre, because she still has valid use to the storyline, whether I like her or not. She's extra creepy with a side of wtf-ery, but there's the White Walkers to deal with, and her fanaticism with the Lord of Light and all that flamey goodness might come in handy in the cold and frozen wasteland beyond the Wall. I left out Theon/Reek, because I truly believe that despite being a eunuch, he can be saved. I hate seeing what has come of him, and it really is heartbreaking to see the man he once was creep in now and then only to be interrupted with his Gollum/Smeagol-esque mumblings. Rickon, come on now... he's just a kid. Haven't enough innocents been slaughtered in this mess? Besides, he's with Osha, I'm sure he's just fine. He's just not relevant to the storyline right now. Jorah Mormont? SERIOUSLY? How could you POSSIBLY wish him killed? I shudder at the very thought. He has been the only one capable of providing the tempering that Daenerys needs to keep her from making very very bad choices. If he'd been there, he would never have allowed her to imprison the dragons in the crypt without at least counseling her otherwise first. He makes her stop and think. Sending him away, killing him, all bad ideas. And really, killing Sansa? Before she has the chance to get revenge for what has happened to her, to her family? Yeah, siding up with Petyr Baelish is probably not the best way to go, but she is a survivor, and she knows that it's a mistake to trust him. But he has made an even bigger mistake, in thinking he can trust HER.

Please keep in mind, yet again, that I have not read through all of the books, this is all just based on what I have seen on the show. There's always another way to look at it.. you can't always just wish for them to kill off all the people you hate. It's Westeros, and more importantly, George R. R. Martin, if all the people you hate are killed off too quickly, that only leaves the ones you adore. Neither Westeros or Martin are very merciful in that respect. ;)

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