Thursday, October 9, 2014

Supernatural: Black S10E1

For months, we have waited... for months we have pondered potential story arcs, we have debated, we have rewatched old episodes just to get ourselves through the hiatus. And finally... on October 7, 2014, the moment came. Let's just take a moment to appreciate this...

I mean just look at it... BAM! Right up in your eyeholes.. and the upside-down pentacle? Loving it! No no no, I'm not saying Hail Satan, or Yay Baphomet or any of that. I'm just glad we're on the other side of the spectrum, rather than having angel wings and angel tablets shoved down our throats for a change. I'm also not going to get into a whole big summarization of the episode, just highlighting some of the best parts of the episode.

Dean's gone, playing pattycake with Crowley, leaving Sam to go hunting for him. Dean basically just Dear John'd his way out of Sam's life.
Meanwhile, Dean's off trying to assassinate his liver. Because livers are mean horrible evil things and deserve to die.
Well okay, so it's more a matter of self-loathing. And karaoke. Maybe it's really just numbing to kill the self-loathing because of the karaoke. It's hard to say.

Either way, this spells bad news. And by bad news, I mean running about without pants, bad. 
 I mean...laying in bed naked or mostly naked, thinking....stuff, bad.

Now now, before you start thinking "oh great, here we go, another Destiel blog", just wait. It's not like that at all. I'm just drawing correlations here. Plus, that was amusing as hell. And speaking of hell...

There was also that whole thing between Crowley and Dean, after kicking out the Roadhouse Ann Marie... The Bitch/Jerk exchange... I'm still not too happy about that. Amused, but not happy.

And of course, this wonderful gem:

I think it goes without saying that I am thoroughly enjoying a Crowley/Mark Sheppard-rich environment. Yes, Cas is sick, and I'm sad about that. But I think some miracle will happen that will allow him to regain his grace. I'm worried about who this person is that has kidnapped Sam. I'm even more worried that with Dean being a knight of hell, that he'll turn even more to the dark side. I keep seeing posts where others are concerned that Dean will force-feed Sam his blood, and Sam will relapse into his demon blood addiction, but what isn't being taken into account is the exchange between Crowley and Dean after Sam's phonecall: "The mark must be sated. If not..." and Dean breaks in and says "The demon will take over". Meaning, he has the demon within him, but HE, Dean Winchester, is in control of his actions. So the only way Sam would be forcefed the blood, is if Dean makes the conscious choice to do so, OR the demon takes hold. Dean is still the vessel of Michael, Sam is still the vessel of Lucifer. I don't think that should be overlooked, especially since it seems the boys have flip-flopped (Sam with Cas and Dean with Crowley). I also don't think it should be overlooked that the whole thing began with Cain and Abel either. However this plays out though, I know without a doubt that this is going to be the best story arc of the entire series!

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