Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Don't Fear the Reaper: SoA Season 7 Premiere

**PREFACE** I feel the need to say here, that I am NOT divulging all the details of this episode, I'm aiming more for "opinions after the show", but there COULD BE SPOILERS.

The premiere of the final season of Sons of Anarchy started off much more grim than I thought it would have. Jax is of course, in jail while Tara's murder is investigated. We get our first glimpse of Marilyn Manson as the 3rd man in line for leadership of the Aryan Brotherhood. He has to do a "favor" in order to get a sit-down with Tully (Manson) who is soon to be sent to the prison in Stockton. This favor is intended to give us, the audience, the preview of what Tara's murder has done to Jax. It was rather strange seeing Marilyn Manson actually acting on the show, and he played his part well. I really don't have too much to say on the subject just yet, because the short amount of screen time he got didn't really give alot of insight into who his character is, but I'm looking forward to how that storyline develops. Kurt Sutter is nothing if not a master weaver of obscure story arcs, and he has managed many times to catch me in the "Ah HAH! So THAT'S why that happened" moment.

Ultimately things are pretty tame (as far as this show goes anyway), until the Grim Bastards and the Sons go to question about the blue Impala that ran some Sons off the road last season. Of course when questions are asked, there has to be the obligatory "We ain't tellin you a motherfuckin thing" scenario, just to annoy and stretch it out. In the middle of it all, the Sons get the call from Rat telling them that Jax is being released and wants them at the table. Chibs, in hopes of pushing things along, ends up having the dude's wheelchair chained to the back of Bobby's bike, at which point Bobby proceeds to drag the guy screaming down the street...and not entirely dragging him with the wheelchair upright. I'm almost ashamed to admit that I actually laughed. A normal, well-adjusted person with a conscience should not laugh at that. I'm sure I wouldn't if it were real life, so I'm going with it. 

Juice has been hiding in Wendy's apartment, but SURPRISE, Wendy's back like a case of herpes, having signed herself out of rehab. So Juice has to find somewhere else to go. It gets worked out that he can stay a couple more days, and Wendy will stay at Gemma's, so yay... Wendy gets to prove whether or not she'll be of any good to the boys who now *gasp* need a mom. I'm not a fan of Wendy, but she's gotten the short end more times than I can count. I sincerely hope that the infection that is Gemma's influence won't get to Wendy again. 

And speaking of Gemma.. her guilt (or lack thereof) is astounding. She can look Jax right in the eye like she didn't do a damn thing, and ultimately, point fingers at innocent people, and justify it as "doing the right thing for Jax and his boys". I have NEVER in the entire time of watching movies and tv shows, seen such a strong Oedipus-In-Reverse situation like this. It's borderline (if not over the borderline) psychosis at this point, to need to be the Queen Bee, and keep Jax close and keep the grandbabies close, and feel needed, loved, and relevant. 

Because of Gemma pointing the finger at an innocent man, and the resulting torment the poor guy endured at Jax's hand, I truly pity Gemma if he ever finds out she was really the one responsible for killing Tara. It literally boggles the mind after seeing all the things he has been capable of doing throughout the course of the show, and with it being his own mother responsible for killing the love of his life? I don't think I even possess the imagination to conjure up mental imagery that would do that revenge any justice. It would probably have been in her best interest to just tell the truth from the beginning, perhaps Jax might have understood her motives a little better, but instead, AGAIN, her bullshit interfering has caused him to slide further down the Dark Path, and I don't see him coming back from it. He tried the redemption track before, that's what led up to Tara's murder, and he very much seems to see things in a different light.. "Well, I've tried to make things better, it didn't work, so lets just do this instead" seems to be the thinking now. It's heartbreaking to see, but it also makes Jax Teller a more compelling character to watch.

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